Aber nun zum Jubiläum. Es sind Turniere für jedermann geboten von Leichtathletik über Boule bis hin zu Beachvolleyball. Ihr könnt Euch per Mail (siehe Flyer unten) anmelden oder einfach nur zum Schorle trinken und Winzersteak essen kommen. Wir sind auch da und beobachten das Ganze.
Ich sag nur eins: Es wird eine Weinprinzessinnen-Beachvolleyball-Mannschaft geben. Not bad …
Zum anmelden:
- Beachvolleyball Interesse an: manfred.romy.feuerbach@t-online.de
- Boule Interesse an: mtpfaff@web.de
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Die Turnierübersicht (zum vergrößern anklicken) |
Our weekend trip to the Beachvolleball Princesses (english)
The Turnverein (sports club) Kallstadt is celebrating its 125 anniversary at the legendary sports grounds (which used to be a quarry). Let me digress with a little "kings of Kallstadt" story: Donald Trumps Granddad emigrated about five years before the foundation of the sports club, which means Donalds Gramps and me missed being members of the same sports club only by a whisker. Being sports club mates would have been very likely, as in Kallstadt almost everybody is a member of the sports club.
But now for the anniversary: There are competitions for everyone, ranging from athletics to boule and beach volleyball. You can register via E-mail ( see form below) or you can simply show up to have a couple of Weinschorle and eat a nice winegrowers steak. We will be there and watch the whole thing. Now for a little spoiler: there will be a beach volleyball team of Wine Princesses. Not bad at all!
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